H-3 Kids’ Ministry
H3 represents what we desire for each child we minister to. We want each child to grow in the knowledge of God (HEAD), have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ (HEART), and learn to serve others in Jesus’ name (HANDS).

Sunday School
Our priority is teaching kids the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s what we do each Sunday morning at 9:15am. This weekly time of teaching is the core of our children’s ministry. It is our prayer that as they learn the truths of the gospel they will come to personal faith in Christ.

Project 605 / Music & Missions
On Wednesday nights starting at 6:05pm, our children’s ministry team leads our Project 605 program – based on Deuteronomy 6:5 – for grades pre-K through 6, in which they learn about missionaries around the world, the importance of taking the gospel to the lost – both locally and globally, and they have choir practice for our pre-school and grade-school choirs.